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Get yourself

your own book


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a bookcoaching

up to


different service packages

30 books

12 bestsellers

my knowledge

your benefit

Why could ghost writing be interesting for you?

your expertise

You are an expert - and that is exactly what you want to convey to the world. Perhaps you already have an unfinished manuscript? This is the case for every third expert. But it gets lost in your drawer for umpteen people as exciting, important and interesting reading.

your family history

Your own family history is a legacy. Perhaps it contains secrets from entire generations and could touch tens of people. Let others participate and immerse themselves in your world.


Have you had THE idea in your head for a long time and know that your fictitious story is a real hit? Your book could be the next world bestseller? But you don't know how to write a book that captivates your readers?

Get your book ghostwritten

TO WRITE is the artistic combination of learned craftsmanship, experience, creativity and empathy.

But many lack it Time. f Depending on the amount of research and preparation, I need between 6 and 12 weeks to create your book with around 100 to 250 pages.

Sometimes, however, some authors are attacked by the dreaded one writer's block and no sentence wants to succeed anymore, the figures flee, everything sounds wrong. With me as your ghostwriter by your side, such blackouts don't stand a chance.


Depending on the genre (fiction, biography, non-fiction, how-to) it is important to know which one construction your book should have so that it is not only readable, but also captivates the reader, because that is what makes a bestseller.

publishing industry

I am not only ghostwriter , I am also Lecturer, lawyer and journalist . The written word is my calling. Many good manuscripts fail because inexperienced writers enter an industry that plays by its own rules and has to ruthlessly sort out some 5 million unsolicited manuscripts. I accompany my customers and support them in finding the right place for their book.

Before you contact me, I ask you to fill out the questionnaire that you will find when you click on the button!

To the questionnaire

What does it cost ghost writing?

A book costs depending on the genre (fiction, children's/youth books, non-fiction, advice). ghostwritten depending on the number of pages, cooperation of the client and effort on the ghostwriter market from €5,000 to €100,000.

Since the price depends on many factors, it is not possible to give a flat-rate price and this has to be negotiated individually with the client.

For an initial meeting, it is important to know whether we can find each other as a team. If you are interested, I would therefore ask you to fill out the questionnaire before you arrange an initial consultation with me.

To the questionnaire

You can too book coaching Reserve?

You've always dreamed of writing your own book, putting your ideas to paper, but you don't know how to start and what makes a book a bestseller?

Then let me take you by the hand and I will explain step by step how a book is structured and what can make your book a bestseller.

You may only need one editing for your book?

If you have already finished writing your book but are unsure whether you can publish it in this way, it is a good idea to have the book read and edited by an editor.

Maybe you want to write your book first and ghostwriting and book coaching are out of the question for you for various reasons.

Then you can sort of "finish" your book, ie have it edited.

This is particularly advantageous if you want to market your book as a self-publisher.

Hdo you have any questions?

Then get in touch with me!

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